Turn connected data into impact.
In order to get the most value from a data-first approach, it needs to be coupled with a cloud first approach.
A lot of people talk about being cloud first, but they aren’t really taking advantage of using the cloud to improve performance, scale, and reliability the way Microsoft has.
Monitored and managed cloud solution with high availability and business continuity
Single distributed system to minimize latency, provide isolation, and enable global servicing
In-memory microservices provide transformational scale and performance
Microsoft designed a data-first approach into each part of Dynamics 365.

- The data from any of your Dynamics 365 business applications goes directly into the Azure Data Lake, in near real time. That’s your data that you can access directly from your SaaS applications.
- But we know there are other data sources that are crucial for your business. That’s why Azure Data Factory grabs data from Azure IOT and Cognitive Services like Computer Vision. You have insights to everything from the shop floor to how customers are interacting on your website.
- Plus, Microsoft has given you the connectors and gateways to pull in data from other third part apps like Twitter, Slack, Salesforce, and ServiceNow. There are over 225 today.
- Power BI drives the analytics and better insights you see in Dynamics 365.
- And Microsoft Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning sit on top of all everything, ready to trigger a response and give you the best next action.
When we say “data first,” we mean it.
Fênix Sistemas e Consultoria has a history of more than 20 years of experience, excellence, and competence in national and international projects of Microsoft solutions.
Click here and contact us if you want to know more about of Microsoft solutions and connected data into impact!