Be afraid, ‘AI selfies’ are here

Text-to-image AI art generators

There’s been some fuss over text-to-image AI art generators and whether the tech unlocks creativity or simply cheapens art. Read the blog to learn about how controversial tech is moving into the mainstream in the form of being used in selfies.

White House’s ‘AI Bill of Rights’ Outlines 5 Principle

AI parts modern society

Despite the increasing role of AI in many parts of modern society. There is very little policy or regulation governing the development and use of tech in the US. Read the article to learn about:The recent release of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights.

AI Generated, Never Ending Discussion

Magic of IA

Through the magic of AI, we are being treated to conversations between great minds that never actually happened. Check out this blog to learn about an AI-generated conversation between movie director Werner Herzog and philosopher Slavoj Žižek.

Science Beyond Siri

AI data-intense scientific

AI and machine learning (ML) are rapidly changing how data-intense scientific discovery is being done. Read the article to learn how a team of educators and computer scientists are diving deeper into ML techniques. And using them to assist and automate the scientific discovery of increasingly complex problems. Comment if you think your organization is […]

Investing in the Last Mile: PayPal’s Khatereh Khodavirdi

data science customer experience

AI and data science help PayPal personalize the customer experience across the company’s brand portfolio. PayPal’s senior director of data science, Khatereh Khodavirdi is focused on continuously personalizing the customer experience across the company’s brand portfolio. Read the article or play the episode to gain insight into how PayPal uses AI to create more personal […]

Managing the Technology Challenges of a Distributed Workforce

tech stacks hybrid workforce

Most businesses continue to tweak their tech stacks to better align with the demands of the hybrid workforce. But as the vice president of product marketing at Catchpoint argues in this article, tweaking might not be enough. See why a new strategic framework for tech procurement—rather than an ad hoc approach—is needed.

Cloud Computing Ultimate Guide with beautiful Sketchnotes

creative and helpful cloud computing

This is one of the most creative and helpful guides to cloud computing you will ever see: Sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back and get a simple definition of something as complex as cloud computing before moving forward. This article provides exactly that and breaks down the many factors surrounding cloud […]

AI is Ready for Business, but are Businesses Ready for AI

AI expand business intelligence

While AI is now clearly seen as a compelling solution that can vastly expand business intelligence, the business world doesn’t appear ready for AI and the infrastructure it requires. Over 50% of companies surveyed expect AI use to be widespread or critical in IT, finance, product development, marketing, sales and other functions. Where does your […]

Digitally Mature Providers Glean More Value from Analytics, AI Adoption

hospital health systems

Frost & Sullivan reports 73% of hospital health systems are investing in analytics and AI. They show that healthcare providers achieving high digital maturity are seven times more likely to get value from artificial intelligence than less mature peers. This article exp the links between the US health system’s digital maturity and digital transformation performance. […]

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